
Depression and Infertility

Emotional and physical health has a direct effect on fertility. Although most people are aware that infertility may lead to signs of depression, many are not aware that the reverse applies as well- people who suffer from depression are more likely to suffer from infertility issues. 

Parenthood is one of the most important transitions in adult life for both men and women. The stress of the non-fulfilment of a wish for a child has been associated with emotional sequelae such as anger, depression, anxiety, marital problems, sexual dysfunction, and social isolation.  

It is crucial to differentiate between sadness and deteriorating mental health. Feeling upset when facing common fertility-related matters like negative fertility test or periods is normal. However, major depressive behaviour may lead to a variety of other symptoms and may affect your body in the long run. 

Infertility is a sensitive and stressful condition, and the impact of infertility may often have a strong effect on your relationship, friends and family. Some hormonal imbalances that cause infertility may also contribute to mood symptoms and vulnerability to depression. 

While infertile couples who appear for infertility treatment already have high levels of psychological distress associated with infertility, the process of assisted reproduction itself is also associated with increased levels of anxiety and stress. 

Studies conducted way back in 1992 suggest that cognitive behavioural therapy and support groups decrease stress and mood symptoms, as well as increase fertility rates. A study by of 52 infertile women, a 10-week group behavioural treatment program significantly reduced anxiety, depression and stress.

Health organisations around the world recommend couples above the age of 35, who are having trouble conceiving to visit a fertility specialist. After careful study and consideration of the situation, a specialist may recommend different options for addressing the issue. If the doctor identifies fertility issues, the treatment and medical advice you’re offered will depend on what’s causing the problem. 

The treatments include the use of fertility drugs or reproductive medicines, surgical procedures or assisted conception, through IUI or IVF cycles. 

It is important to remember that fertility treatments such as IVF may not always be possible, and it is crucial to listen and understand everything the specialist has to say before making a decision. Take extra measures of the processes and potential side effects of the different treatments. Also, for women, it is important to watch out for and identify the early signs of infertility. To know more about them, read this article

Infertility is a severely distressing experience for many couples. Depression is considered as one of the main psychological factors associated with infertility and it may significantly affect the life of infertile individuals, their treatment, and follow-up procedures. 

For more information or to book an appointment with Dr. Sunita Tandulwadkar, reach out to Solo Clinic on +91 96730 76545

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